Slow play is a golfer's as well as a course's worst nightmare. Nothing worse than playing a 5 hour round of golf. It's not the time that is the killer, it's the wait between shots. You can blame EVERYONE involved, and I do. I blame both the course and the player. But players are more annoying and fun to bag on.
Lets face it, most bafoons that are one the course on the weekend are just the worst to be around. They are, for the most part, high handicappers that are there for the conversation piece for the week to tell EVERYONE that they played golf. WHOOPIE DOO! Who cares. Also, they feel that their round of golf isnt just golf, its a five course meal with open bar. TAKE YOUR TIME! You know, woof down 3 hotdogs with chips and chug a few beers as if the golf course is their own restaurant reservation. Not only that, but im assuming that beer does the same thing to the golf game as it does to driving. Not good. When I play, i will bring crackers and water, THAT IS IT! That is all i need to play. I will eat AFTER the round. But since when does golf involve food and drink as if its a buffet. And saying "I play golf for the beer" is just BS. Such a stupid lazy comment. So you're telling me that you will not play golf unless you drink? Good, I will STOP serving alcohol just to stop these idiots from being on the course and slowing things up if that is what it will take.
Most courses will have pre-made lunches all bagged up and ready to go. Like a Grab-and-Go. No sitting for lunch like its half-time of the football game, you grab your food and GO! No ordering fancy burgers or 5 beers or whatever. There should be a two drink limit and premade only, if you want a specialty burger, you eat if AFTER! Like a normal person. I have a question..... while you're at the YMCA playing pick up basketball or slowpitch softball, or at the gym, are you WOOFING down 3 hotdogs and 4 beers while playing? NO! Bubble gum and water. THATS all you need to play golf, too. I understand that it is a revenue stream for the course, but lets get these guys going so they can eat after. And if they leave, thank God!
If you're looking for a social event, well, I dont know, maybe have company over your house with golf on the television like we did before we all built 20 foot high fences so the neighbors cant say hi or anything else that we my find intrusive. Normal people do that. Lord knows we dont want to talk to our neighbors. They might ask to borrow our lawnmower or weed whacker.
SIDE NOTE: You know what bothers me, the ONLY time we talk to our neighbors, is when we want something.. example? HALLOWEEN. You never say hi to anyone on your block except when you want to show off our cute kids and beg for candy. I would be like, "you want candy? Whats my kid's name? Where am I from?" and if you cant answer any of those? NO CANDY......moving on
Unless you are a low single handicapper, you DONT know what club you should use on say a 175 yard shot. So, you go to your cell phone or Bushnell device to check the yardage, then you ponder what club to use. Nevermind the fact that you didnt hit ONE ball in the air to get to your present spot, BUT THANK GOD I'm 175 yards away, now I'm dialed in!!! And NO GIMME PUTTS! Nope! We just HAVE to line up our 5 foot putt for an 8 on the par 4. Gotta knock in that knee knocker!
Worst thing ever? Group-on's. Nothing screams "THIS WILL BE A 5 HOUR FRONT NINE" than a group on group. Usually involves people that DONT play golf often, or will bring people that dont even own golf clubs, but HEY, golf should be easy enough to just pick up and play right? Its just like Ultimate Frisbee.........
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